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showing 1401 - 1420

that's from "Embraceable You" -- that line cracked me up.

nate 9/20/04

from which song is that frank sinatra line?

krautqueen 9/17/04

nate, my post sounded a little bit too strong. perhaps i will back up and take a slower run at it. i'm not demanding that you do a book, just suggesting you do one. i know that if you worked out a good story and penned it, it would turn out to be something i'd like to sit down and read.

maybe a bildungscomicroman. just a thought. put bikes in it somehow.


scott 9/16/04

thats the best bugstache i've ever seen

shawn 9/15/04

hey aaron i just saw your beautiful ad you did with ezra -- the snow is amazing! better whatchit, you'll be next on the list for broken fingers if this doesn't stop.

nate 9/14/04

CHRIST SANDWICH! Good thing I'm still here... heheh... um... *cough*

Aaron 9/14/04

HOLY JESUS! Good thing I left town...

Alec 9/12/04

ha! i've been caught! yeah, that seems to completely contradict that statement, because i certainly was enjoying my time in the desert.

i think this falls under the second most powerful force in getting my ass drawing: avoidance. i had a bunch of stuff to do on the computer and did NOT want to open up the laptop while camping... it felt much healthier (as well as more fun & satisfying) to DRAW than COMPUTE.

nice call. i'm a total liar. but at least i have this powerful BUGSTACHE to pull me thru.

nate 9/12/04

"if im in a good mood, i rarely draw." hmmm, you drew a shit load while camping. just a thought after reading that.

yobro 9/12/04

nate, will you please do us all a favor and throw yourself wholeheartedly into a full length book? i want to see it by next april. why haven't you done one yet? it's time to do it. i need to see it.

scott 9/11/04

thanks for the good words, matt.. many of y'all may have heard me say this before, but i get a lot of my negativity / "emo"-ness out in my comics/art. if i'm in a good mood, i rarely draw. i tend to stare at trees and mutter to myself. (notice i didn't draw much while in seaside roaming around on the beach).

so, altho on paper i appear to be a hopelessly depressed cynic, in real life i'm a total kick in the pants. ha! just kidding.

enjoyed checking out yr site.

nate 9/10/04

i don't know what the hell i'm doin/goin to do either

shawn 9/10/04

I've been reading this site on and off for a while now, and I think now is a good time to voice some support.

This installation here is beautiful to look at, emotional to read. Part of me wants to tell you to stop being so damn emo, but part of my wants to tell myself that too.


Thanks for doing this.

Matt Wright 9/10/04

RICHMOND FONTANE T-SHIRT SPOTTED! Hey Nathan... I was at Bumbershoot last night... to see Craig and the Pixies and there in the crowd was your t-shirt. I thought it was so amazing. I just think it's cool when I see random art from my friends in strange places. It was white with red ink.

a a r o n 9/7/04

unfortunately Hero sucks satans ass. a sad desperate attempt by the producers of crouching tiger hidden dragon to recreate such glory but minus the brilliant acting, the sublime direction, the intricate emotional tone, the delicate but bad-ass fight scenes etc, etc. But Garden State do indeed rock.

Jeremy Dwight 9/4/04

ah, i've heard that about Garden State. Hero certainly looks interesting. great! there's been some sludge in the theaters lately, i'm glad to see some worthwhile movies pop up.

in the new brainfag design, i really want to get movie reviews going.. just so i can remember what i thought upon initial viewing if nothing else..

nate 9/2/04

Some of your best work by far. The picture of your dad sitting there with the animals rules. So much life to it. And the schematics... they really explained it well. Awesome. Good luck finding a place to live... have you seen "HERO?" Have you seen "Garden State"? DO IT. They both RULE!

aaron 9/2/04

omaha? wtf? are you shittin me? gimme a jingle.. i'm in a volatile move-anywhere mode and am a month away from my lease ending .. might be making some long-overdue visits around the country.

nate 8/31/04

Nate. You are super. Yes, I am still keeping up. Murky watercolors, here. Omaha. [jeremy]

BigDick 8/31/04

no, i'm leaving to go CAMPING tomorrow, coming back monday? and then i'm leaving for a week.. maybe? yes? sounds DEFINITIVE, doesn't it? that's me. definitive.

what do you think of "hacksaw" as a comic book name?

nate 8/25/04
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