pssssst! brainfag is retired! i’m now at


The___ birds have stopped migrating. 


Illustration / Quick Comix / 18 of 23


4 comments on this entry

"And the Winner of the coveted Obscure Artist Dreamcomic award goes to... Nathaniel Beaty!!! Yes... I think the photos were awesome. Much better than wheat I did with them. I'll send it to you...

acorn raindeer 9/19/05

Wheat the frick EVER, you mother! Your poster is georgous! I love the trees.. is that watercolor? Sooo nice. Very classy and crazy-detailed.

Nate 9/19/05

did you type in "failure" in google? um.... how do you think that happened? is it an inside google job? or did someone from the white house encode the page with the word failure? it makes me so confused. Thanks for liking my poster... i think i like it more now.

aaron 9/20/05

I like your poster too, Aaron. As I said yesterday, I could look at it for hours. It's like a whole story in one image. Bravo!

Greg 9/20/05

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