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showing 241 - 260

Macbook Pro Ghetto Laptop Stand

Lol @ the story about the fan, effective mod anyhow

Sandertje 2/3/07
Black Bean Burgers

Hi, I stumbled in today looking for a blackbean burger:) Thankyou!
I'm a mom of 7 with a very low budget. This works great and the kids from 2 to 15 didnt leave any leftovers! ah... Now that is good.
Keep writing those recipes!

Kathryn 2/1/07
altered states mercury illo

just noticed the weirdness on the bottom left right E and S -- oops. i had to move everything up 1/2" in the last minute, must have splooged on my letters with some random pyscho-mongrel layer.

Nate 1/31/07
altered states mercury illo

You know I loves me those T's...

Joseph 1/31/07
more sketchdump with anti-humor attached

Oooh I like the hands-on-fire speaking-To-Do-list sketch. Heck, I'd put it in LAB.

Title: Fire Type With Me?

Joseph 1/28/07
lazyass copout sketchdump #2 vs. top10 linkpimpin

what photos? are you drunk?

Nate 1/25/07
Evil landlords suck ass

Peter, peter, so true. All the lord wants is your shit. And that doesn't pay of anything. One word for you: Calrissian.. right? Right!

Nate 1/25/07
Evil landlords suck ass

Basicall renting is suks, it is a waste of moey, it doesn't pay of anything, only thingit does is helps your lord buy their own shit..

Some lando's are ok, but NEVR live on the same property with on, they wil drive you crazy...

peter 1/25/07
lazyass copout sketchdump #2 vs. top10 linkpimpin

some of the best goddam photos you've ever snapped. i say wow and holy cow. seriously.

dwight 1/24/07
lazyass copout sketchdump #2 vs. top10 linkpimpin

Definitely with ya on #3, 5, and 6. In fact, those three seem to go rather well together.

And mucho thanks for plug. Found this blog entry via Mint... ha!

Joseph 1/19/07
shit! shit! (hs:pg3)

fuckit. i will move fast and scoot on top of this half-finished comic. onward!

Nate 1/18/07
shit! shit! (hs:pg3)

Aha. After re-reading it, I remeber this from when you originally posted it. I think you should definitely continue the story. I know you originally said it was super quick--but I think you draw WELL quick. I especially like the half-tone on this (china marker?) It's definitely an intense beginning to a story!

Alec 1/15/07
shit! shit! (hs:pg3)

they're the next two pages (they're in reverse-order, as i added them as i drew 'em quite some time ago), so hit the -> button a few times...

nate 1/14/07
shit! shit! (hs:pg3)

Hmmm... depends. What happens on the first TWO pages of this comic? :)

Alec 1/13/07
shit! shit! (hs:pg3)


anyone care to see me continue this comic? or should i leave it alone as a 3-pg gag comic?

Nate 1/9/07
Another Christmas Survived

@ray: thanks and same to ya!

@sarah: draw 'n guffaw -- great! Design 'n whine -- yes! Illustrate 'n berate -- i'm there! all fine alternatives to the hated rhyme indeed. i haven't had much time to draw lately, tho. getting backed up on work, unfortunately. but keep harassing me and it'll happen soon enough, i swear.

@beth: congrats, another family member finds brainfag! just got the card from aunt jane today, so i assume y'all rang up my mom. expect a return card soon.... much love, nate.

Nate 1/9/07
Keanu Reeve's minimal acting ability explained

every keanu movie has a temper tantrum scene that includes much rippage /throwage/swearing. and stomping. look for it the next time you watch a keanu movie. but he's so damn good looking that who cares. yeah i know you didn't ask me for my opinion, but there it is folks.

wils 1/9/07
shit! shit! (hs:pg3)

Its actually lots bigger and smells like boiling frogs

meghan t 1/5/07
Another Christmas Survived

Hi Nate,
Finally went to your website. Loved your comments about the Christmas Eve party; I remember being a kid and the anticipation of opening the presents. We had it much worse though, the parties used to last half way through the night; no one seemed to care abut DUIs then. I enjoyed the pictures esp. since I wasn't in any of them. I will show Mom (Aunt Jane) the sight, she will get a kick out of it.
Not a comment but can you send me your address. Mom wants to send you a card and present. She feels bad that she forgot to give you something on Christmas Eve. I've tried to call your mom but she must be busy.
I hope you keep coming up Christmas even if you don't observe the holiday.
2nd cousin Beth

Beth Belts 1/3/07
Ubuntu + Wine + IEs4Linux = happy Natron

Why would putting firefox on everyone's computer be a virus? i think it would be a virus NOT to do that!

Nontitle 1/2/07
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