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honey bee's bbq 


Photos / Portland / 52 of 83


5 comments on this entry

I like how your most ghetto photos are within a few blocks of each other. ('cept maybe that old market?)

TimE 7/12/05

an astute observation. that block happens to be right where i live. it's really an interesting little pocket of the (quickly diminishing) ghetto-tastic, sketchy-yet-friendly, black neighborhoods in the area host to frequent drug deals, roadside carwashes, roaming hustlers, and uglybizarre bbqs, barbershops, churches and minimarts.

that not sure which you mean by "old market", but i these are all from the same block.

nate 7/12/05

Referring to "Killingsworth Foods." (not Island Grocery, which I believe is across the street, and has the best post-apocalypse parking lot in town).

TimE 7/12/05

"Killingsworth Foods" just changed their sign to some ugly new plastic thing, but that's the market that's kitty corner (well, sort of) to the island market place.

nate 7/12/05

i lived on 18th and sumner, so i was often in this area. the one on 17th/16th, was my usual place to shop.

josh m 1/10/06

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