pssssst! brainfag is retired! i'm now at


AGGGH! I'm alive again. Err, with a phone.

posted in Home Jabber on October 18, 2004

Finally, after 2 weeks of hassle, Qwest has given me a PHONE and a DSL CONNECTION (see the bottom of every page of brainfag for my new addy & phone #). Keerist what a frustrating 2 weeks. But everything is back to normal: all sites are online and my email is working. I think my mail was bouncing over the weekend because Scott's server went down, but ol' Timmy is back -- and servin shit up HARD. Yeah.

Oddly enough, Top Shelf's server disappeared at about the same time, and has been down for about a WEEK now. We're in the process of switching hosts -- a slow process, but it should be back up soon.

Astoria's great. Turns out I have the coolest downstairs neighbors EVER, Joseph and Mary, who make the amazing journals you find at Reading Frenzy, and are web-located at CactusPony Books.

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