Serious kids for stupid comics
posted in Home Jabber on February 04, 2005
I was excited to find Childhood is Hell at the local last-of-a-dying-breed, for reals Thrift Store here in Astoria. Matt Groening has got to be one the funniest damn people alive. But even more hilarious was the counter lady's response when I brought it up for purchase (along with 8 records, the total was two bucks!): "OH THAT MAN IS WEIRD."
"Yeah, he's uhh, pretty weird," I replied, still in shock at the miniscule cost of all these items.
"I bought one of his books as a coloring book, but you couldn't color in it!" She paused, obviously angry at the memory. "And it's certainly not for kids. I was going to call the publisher!"
"Yeah, it's not for kids." I lamely replied, a little confused as to how she would think it was a coloring book for kids.
As I walked home, it started getting to me. The old woman was a reminder of the majority attitutude towards comics and cartoons: entertainment for kids, but certainly not a serious art form. "Whatever," I eventually concluded. I was glad to find a class-A book for the shitter for a quarter, and went home to continue honing my attempts at my serious art form.
Speaking of which, I really want to make it to MOCCA this year.. Not only do I think it's time I saw New York, I also think it's time I became a serious cartoonist. Hahaha, oh-hoho.
As you might have noticed, I've recently become fascinated with coloring illustrations with Photoshop -- there's illos in About and Writing, and a few on the new Reading Frenzy site. This has gotten me to thinking of continuing Brainfag 6 with some new minis, and possibly colorizing the whole thing for online viewiing.
Aaron Renier and I have also been talking about doing a joint-mini for MOCCA, but we've been *talking* about that for almost four years, so don't hold your breath.
Just got a slew of new books and comic books including a Krazy Kat reissue (gawd I hate Fantagraphics' site), Jessica Abel's amazing Perdida #1, Bwana Spoons Pencil Fight #2, Kevin H's Or Else #1, and my fav: Lewis Trondheim's Nimrod #3, #4 and The Hoodoodad (yay Fantagraphics for publishing these in English!).
9 comments on this entry
I freaking LOVE the color illustrarion with the creepy crone.
nates going to ny! show them what west coast art is all about!
holy shit, my brother told me today that he's talked my mom and dad into pitching in for a round-trip ticket to NY for mocca! now i just have to get my ass in gear and actually have some new comics to show at the event....
All right Nate!!! Woo Woo!!
SWEEEEEEEET. My couch is calling your name!!! You me and Aaron can share my MoCCA half-table (it'll be cozy...) Now, if we can only convince EZRA to show up we could really show this town a thing or two...
Let me know when your plans solidify--I can't wait to hang out in New York with you!!!
Just curious-- was that CRS or Deja Vu? CRS, I bet...
you lucky son of a bitch!
nope, actually it was deja vu... it was the lady with the strong new york accent. i wonder how the publisher would respond to such an irate customer. also wonder what the lady would think if she ran across a Brainfag in the store.. or a Dave Cooper or R. Crumb comic.
The answer, obviously, is for you to plant copies in the store and watch the fireworks.
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