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sussex spaniel and his bloody prey

Nate - you should send this to Vanessa Davis. You know... SPANIEL RAGE!!!

Alec 12/2/06
sussex spaniel and his bloody prey

Everything about this painting rocks!

I've only painting a little with gauache and didn't like it. I prefer acrylics. They dry fast, so it's easy to cover up my mistakes.

greg 12/2/06
sussex spaniel and his bloody prey

yeah, i can't see the blood either! i think this proves the true tallent my brother got from me...

that was hard to say without hitting the floor laughing!!!

yobro 12/1/06
sussex spaniel and his bloody prey

funny thing is, i can't see most of the blood. i splotched it all around the spaniel, so i KNOW it's there, i just can't see it. my red-deficient colorblindness has been becoming more and more evident (and apparently getting worse) lately.

i honestly don't know what to think of this. on one hand, i think it's retarded and too direct and has no style, & on the other, it cracks me up. i doubt i'd get the humor if i happened across this image, but because I PAINTED IT, i get the giggles. i seriously wonder sometimes.. should've taken that shop class after all. (not that i've EVER taken an art class. get that reader? nate's NEVER taken an art class. EVER!!!!!!)

reader: "no shit, dumbass, look at that spaniel? jeeeeesus."

Nate 12/1/06
sussex spaniel and his bloody prey

HA! Nate, this loaded very slowly on my screen and as it creeped its way onto my screen I was saying to myself "What... the... hell... is... this??!" Gouache is the one medium I haven't tried yet in school. Seems like some people swear by it. Anyways, nice work! The cute dog covered in blood is pretty F'ing hillarious.

Alec 12/1/06
Hey Nate! Get to work, chump!

a real office space for nate's cyber-brain trust!!! hooray!!! it's about frickin time. work yr badass self, homeboy. but there is this: more and more macs in my friends lives seem to freak and glitch and stagger into coma... i just bought a crappy yet blazingly fast pc laptop that has so far jumped thru every flaming hoop in the digital circus of potential defect. the halfassed little beast simply slides thru... i just dont trust that slic mac smooth talking....

dwight 11/27/06
My New Life with the Magic Marble

The man who owns the marble shop drowned this morning when his car slid on some black ice and veered off the road into the river :'(

Friend of Marble Man 11/26/06
Hey Nate! Get to work, chump!

I agree, though. My friend Mike got a refurb iMac and it's worked great. IMHO, refurb should mean that it's just scratched or something ... which, for an Apple product, *does* mean it's gone down in value several hundred dollars!!

Hey Nate! Get to work, chump!

Nate this new space looks AWESOME. I'm super jealous, sitting here in Brooklyn with NO WINDOWS.

You have every right to complain about your refurbished Apple problems. I've got a G5 refurbished iMac and I haven't had any problems with it since day 1. $1300 might be "cheap" but the damn thing should still work!

Alec 11/23/06
Hey Nate! Get to work, chump!

I guess that is a correct clarification, I've only had these issues personally with refurbished Apple gear. But "refurbished" should mean "we checked this over, repaired what was wrong, and consider it as good as a new product, hence the same warranty" -- not, "someone returned this, let's ship it out and see if the next person just doesn't notice what's wrong, but if they do, they can bring it into the shop, and then we'll deal with it."

Seriously. The first Macbook Pro arrived with the Q, A, and S keys not working at all -- you couldn't even get the computer to boot without them (first startup requires registration). And this iMac, a 20" Core 2 Duo, was very obviously having some fan issues -- which when I brought it in, they informed me someone had the same problem a few days before and a new logic board was in order. (However, it healed itself before the logic board was replaced..) Both of these problems would be blatantly obvious to anybody testing them before shipping.

The iMac is now quiet. I can hear it, but it's definitely a bearable, low hum.

I'm not alone here, either. There's a sea of complaints out there about their new line of Intel machines -- whines, random shutdowns, overheating, discoloration, defective batteries, warped screens, on and on. I understand it's a new chipset, but I really believe their quality control has slipped. Honestly, though, it's hard to complain when their prices have dropped so low -- I got this iMac for $1300! I bought my TiBook used for $1400 four years ago! Hell, my Powerbook 3400C went for $6,500 nine years ago!

Nate 11/21/06
Hey Nate! Get to work, chump!

Nate... just to clarify, you're losing faith in *refurbished* Apple products, no? That is, products already considered defective at one point, eh?!

Not to belittle your issues, but I personally have only had one real issue with factory-fresh Apple hardware in five years and a dozen or more products.

Just out of curiosity, is that iMac a G5? Because my PowerMac G5 (with, oh yeah, seven fans!) was pretty darned loud. My Mac Pro, however, is usually quieter than my own breathing.

Did have one extremely weird problem with that PowerMac, though, come to think of it. For the longest time, I had "journaling" turned off on the primary hard drive, without realizing it. No idea how that happened, but when the computer crashed or got turned off without shutting down properly, it would start checking the disk when you turned it on. Strangely, while checking the disk, the seven fans would get faster and faster and faster, until it sounded like a jet plane was going to land. I'd panic and shut it down at some point before it finished checking the filesystem, and boot from a CD to do the fix. Then it would work fine for another month or so. It was strange and alarming. One day I noticed that journaling was turned off, switched it on, and the problem has never returned.

Congratulations on the studio. It looks beautiful. I hope I get to see it in person sometime soon!

McSweeney's 21 - storyboard art

I can't wait to get a copy... that's super rad. Congrats congrats congrats! I'm really proud of you!

Aaron 11/19/06
McSweeney's 21 - storyboard art

McSweet, Nate! I've been a fan of your work since day one -- especially your landscapes and "stuff" spot art like this -- really really great news -- I gotta getit!!
XO -- Philip Simon

Philip Simon 11/17/06
McSweeney's 21 - storyboard art

thanks all -- note the "update" comment in the description now. as it says, i had an early mockup posted earlier. total buffoon i be. i do hope this means more illustration work in the future as opposed to computer work! shit, that would make me happy.

sarah: nice new site! and love the animation. maybe i should get my butt going on natebeaty.com, haha!

nate 11/13/06
McSweeney's 21 - storyboard art

I've always loved your brushwork; this is great news! This piece is like what Chris Ware would do if he was a human being.

Sarah 11/13/06
McSweeney's 21 - storyboard art

AHHHHHH!!!!!! Congratulations Nate! That is SO F'ING COOL!!! I'm going to pick up a copy after class tonight! You're BLOWING UP!!! :)

Alec 11/13/06
McSweeney's 21 - storyboard art

Awesome Nate! "finest pen-and-artists of our day" Hell yeah! Though you're also great with a brush.

Greg 11/13/06
animal house

Yeah Nate! Editorial Illustration--you found your calling! :)

My only thought would be that since it's on newsprint, the whites might be greyed down so you'd lose some of the (beautiful) tonality. Even without the snap of white pixels shown above, it looks pretty good in the photo off of the paper!

Alec 11/11/06
animal house

@joseph: yep, that's yer couch. a beauty, and fun to draw.

@alec: i agree, i'm so into doing newspaper illustrations. i dig having a specific thing to draw.. maybe it's my calling. who knows?

illo in mercury

i think the ink washes turn out fine. the last drawing i did, of Slash, turned out pretty fuzzy -- but i'm not sure if it was from the fact that i had to shoot it with my camera instead of scan it.

nate 11/9/06
animal house

It's so awesome that you are getting regular Mercury work! Does the ink-wash stuff reproduce well in the paper? It sure is lookin good online...

Alec 11/9/06
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