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Juice Dork Watches Buffy

posted in Home Jabber on December 03, 2004

I just found myself at midday sitting on my bed, sewing a typically-bachelor, haphazardly-patterned repair on my threadbare duvet while watching a recently downloaded episode of Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, on the second day of a juice fast sipping a carrot-beet-celery-lemon-apple concoction. Thank god my girlfriend doesn't read my website.

But you see, there was this ever-expanding, gaping hole at the head of my duvet which would tear at nearly every turn in the bed at night. Nothing quite like the sound of thin fabric tearing by your head at the slightest twitch in the pitch black of 2am. It was starting to get to me after a week, when the hole had gotten large enough for me to crawl through.

And I've heard from quite a few people Buffy was well-written and worth watching. I do admit it's entertaining and the first two episodes were fine. But it's no Twin Peaks. I just finished watching Twin Peaks for the second time, and it's so fucking good. I just love that show. The only thing that sucks is I get so depressed when I finish watching the whole series and find that there's no more.

Finally, I decided to clean my gut with a short juice fast. I was prepared to spend a pretty penny for a fancy new juicer -- but when I saw they didn't drop below $200 here in Astoria, I got worried. Luckily, the local thrift store had a Braun model for THREE DOLLARS! YAY! JUICE!

That's it. I'm short-tempered by this damn fast. So be warned if you call me.

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