pssssst! brainfag is retired! i'm now at



posted in Home Jabber on May 16, 2003

Due to the immensity of the Top Shelf website redesign I've been working on for 5 months, I haven't had a chance to draw any comics for a while. Brainfag#7 is well along but won't be finished until the end of June at the earliest (the image at left is the cover-in-progress).

The Top Shelf site will be done by June 1st.

I've also been working on a number of illustrations for a novel a fellow named Willy Vlautin has written. Willy sings & plays guitar for Richmond Fontaine. This project has also been delayed by the Top Shelf site. I hope to finish the illos by June.

If I could figure out how to avoid eating & sleeping, these things would be done by now.

I recently drew a 5-pg strip for Milk Robotics #2. I'm hoping to get an entry in the Make Something Anthology that Greig & Rebecca (of the IPRC) are putting together.

I've had this fake tooth stuck 1-1/2 inches in my jaw since I was 13 and it's just now beginning to freak out, causing the gums all around to discolor & recede. This is in turn freaking me out. I do not want to go have surgery again. 15 years hasn't been enough time to forget that experience.

Shrike#2 just got it's first real review in Maximum Rock & Roll. I'll post a scan soon on It's embarrassingly flattering. I'm afraid of the orders that are bound to roll in...

I have too many projects going.

I cut my hair today & it looks very highschool.

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